International: Access Now Digital Security Helpline supports women at risk to improve their digital security practices and provides rapid-response emergency assistance for women already under attack. The service, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in eight languages is monitoring and drawing attention to digital rights during the humanitarian crisis.
El Alto, Bolivia under UN Women’s Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces global initiative is developing communications material in a simple and user-friendly format to demonstrate the harmful impact of online violence on women and girls and how to report it during COVID-19.
Net Tech Project at the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), discusses technology, privacy, and safety in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women during COVID-19.
The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative is offers support and resources to victims of image-based sexual abuse (also known as revenge porn) in the US.
Sweden: Näthatshjälpen är till för dig som utsätts eller ser andra utsättas för näthat. Det är också till för civilsamhällets organisationer så att de kan få stöd och hjälp i hur man kan arbeta förebyggande mot näthat.
Denmark: StopChikane er Dansk Kvindesamfunds Krisecentres tilbud til voksne, der er udsat for digitale krænkelser. Mandag, onsdag og torsdag kl. 11-16
28 83 40 70
Iceland: Ef þú verður vitni að ofbeldi á netinu gagnvart einstaklingi sem er undir 18 ára geturðu farið á barnaheill.is og smellt á ábendingarhnappinn til að tilkynna um það. Stígamót bjóða upp á ókeypis stuðningssamtöl fyrir þau sem verða fyrir stafrænu kynferðisofbeldi (óháð aldri og kyni) og Kvennaathvarfið býður upp á stuðningssamtöl fyrir konur og stúlkur sem verða fyrir hverskyns stafrænu ofbeldi.
The United Kingdom:
The Revenge Porn Helpline is a hotline for victims of image-based sexual abuse (also known as revenge porn) in the UK.
If you come across child sexual abuse content, regardless of nationality, you can report it (anonymously) at the Internet Watch Foundation's website.
This resource library will be continually updated. Please drop us a line at nordref@outlook.com if you would like to add to it.