Recordings from the game-changing conference in Gothenburg 07/10/'24
What Fuels Online Abuse Against Women & How Big
of a Threat is it?
Christian Mogensen, researcher and NORDREF Board member puts violence against women on the internet into context with the cultural influences, ideas and attitudes that fuel it in the world’s most gender-equal region.
We Need You Online
The perspectives of Finnish youth: Lessons and insights from the award-winning Sua Varten Somessa digital youth initiative, presented by Anni Pätilä.
The M-word
Why men are overrepresented amongst perpetrators of online abuse and the role of free speech. Panelists include researcher Christian Mogensen, lawyer and freedom of speech expert Anni Carlsson, journalist Johanna Vehkoo and Andreas Carlin from the feminist organisation MÄN.
The Harasser, the Troll, the Threatener & the Sextortionist
What do we know about Nordic perpetrators of online abuse against women and girls with regard to their age, gender, relationship to their victim(s), scene of the crime and motive? Presented by NORDREF founders and the Head of Internet Safety in Iceland, María Rún Bjarnadóttir, together with Moa Bladini, lawyer, lecturer and researcher.
Leveling Up Your Sexting Game: Presenting the Eggplant Bot
The Eggplant Bot, a digital sexual education tool that helps you “level up your sexting game” in order to combat online sexual harassment, presented by Benedikta Sörensen of the Icelandic Violence Prevention School and Bjarki Melsted of Klutz Esports.
I Was Just Playing
How may playing actual games help combat online abuse? Representatives from the largest gaming associations in Sweden and Iceland discuss commonly used defenses used by perpetrators in cases of online abuse and how gaming can be helpful to cultivate healthy mindsets and attitudes among players. Panelists: Henrik Almén from the Swedish gaming federation Sverok, Jóhann Ragnarsson from the Icelandic Esports Federation, Bjarki Melsted from Klutz Esports. Moderated by Christian Mogensen.
The Tech Solutions of Tomorrow
Cecilie Sonne Christiansen presents the Danish innovation SASHA, a breakthrough in image protection technology that will disarm perpetrators of image-based sexual abuse.
If I Were Boss of the Internet
How Nordic Youth Would Change the Online World:
Results from the Game Changer research that reveals what Nordic youth would do if they were boss of the internet, what they would fix and what they would burn to the ground. Presented by gender-equality expert Eygló Árnadóttir.
Are We Sitting on
the Solutions Already?
This panel discussion, moderated by journalist Johanna Vehkoo, focuses on how authorities, civil society and social media platforms can collaborate to counter online abuse. Participants include Cindy Southworth from Meta, Kjartan Sverdrup Dall-Larsen from TikTok, María Rún Bjarnadóttir from the National Police Commissioner of Iceland and Anni Pätilä from the award-winning digital youth work initiative Sua Varten Somessa.